2009-06-13: British Council: I do not know?!?
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, Privat, weconverse[Update 2009-06-16] For those of you who did not know about it, a link to TED.com conferences, as well as one of my favideos (in the school context) – ”Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity”. Also, check out my video with the cut from my preso when I handed out the Idea books. Turns out we used hash tags ”#eTwinning” and ”#UKetwin09”.
[Update after the gig] Thank you all for a fantastic morning! I have embedded my slides here (or download pdf 6 slides/page, 6.8 Mb). Here is a link to The Ideabook that the author Fredrik Härén generously gave to some of you.
Really, there are a lot of things I do not know. And a good question is if I need to know that I do not know what I know. But I know ”we” know more than I do. And we will soon know what I will do in mid June.
Well, that intro is just a better way to say that the exact title and content of my keynote presentation at eTwinning UK National Conference 2009. A terrific event, with sharing and award giving arranged by the British Council, taking place in Nottingham June 12-14. I am so honored, glad, and proud to have been invited. Not only to share my ideas, but also (rather more so) to take the opportunity to converse with the most interesting people in the UK. That is, those who work together with young humans and are interested in new forms of communication, conversations, and mediation.
Pretty soon the event planners will contact me so that we can co-create the details regarding my contribution. Will they do it here in the open? Will you do it before them? I do not know. But as always, I am looking forward to the future – which is inhabited by your children(s children(s children…))