2009-02-19: The Royal Library (DK): A social media update
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, Privat, weconverse[Update after the gig]: A stimulating afternoon indeed. Here are my presentation slides (pdf 5,5 Mb), a link to the live video stream at Bambuser, a post about the book iBrain, the Flickr mobile photo stream regarding KBDK, the blog of Kulturhuset i Stockholms chef och konstnärliga ledare. and Creative commons.
As you might already know I have for a long time been impressed by the way (public) libraries have approached and advanced information technology. Therefore it is an honor, and a pleasure, to have been invited to inspire the management of the Royal Library in Denmark. My assignment this time is to share ideas and examples, in particular concerning mobile solutions.
[Minor update a few hours before the gig]: I forgot to write ”KB Danmark”, in case anyone/thing searches for that phrase. Then I fixed a photostream on Weconverse’s Flickr account with ”kbdk”. Mail your shots to kbdk@weconverse.com and watch them in the Flickr stream tagged with ”kbdk”.