2010-05-26: Piiri: Social media
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, Publikt, weconverse[Update after the gig] Thank you very much for an inspiring Piiri afternoon! I have uploaded my handout slide miniatures (pdf, 5.7 Mb), and as a browsable presentation at Slideshare. Feel free to also take a look at: whats said under the hashtag #piiri2010; the Dieselcam; Karobellas YouTube video Tampere-guide, and how fifth graders describe Europe at Fiskis5an.se. I skipped two slides that gives a glipmse of some new cool stuff. Instead, check out: Project Natal (new forms of interaction) and Streetmuseum (artificial reality).
PLACE is a Finnish ”company specialized in place marketing and providing branding services to the public sector”. During the two day Piiri 2010 event in Tampere they organize a number of presentations around success stories, place marketing among young people (18-35), and recruiting in public sector and need for new experts. Within the latter I have been invited to talk about Social media as a tool of recruiting young people and families.
All in all this look like a really interesting event, moderated by Anna Sorainen (who manage to hook me up for many gigs in Finland – thanks!). Among the other speakers are Irene Roivainen (city of Tampere), Professor Alf Rehn (Åbo Akademi), Managing director Jari Latva-Rasku (Tractus Ltd), Mayor Riitta El-Nemr (Kristiinankaupunki), CIO Conny Svensson (Falköping), Professor Howy Jacobs (University of Tampere), Communications director Jari Seppälä (Suomen Kuntaliitto), Sanna-Maria Röör (Tampere), and Lasse Paananen (Louva Tampere).