2008-10-15: Vattenfall: Trends in social media
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, weconverse[Updated after the gig:] A fascinating afternoon – thank you! Here are my slides (pdf, 4,7 Mb), a link to the Bambuser live video. So far (15:55) no one (except me) has mobilized any images to energy@weconverse.com, but you still have some time to get them into the tagged stream. Of course your wiki is a good option for conversation, but hopefully there are things you want to share with the rest of the world. Perhaps by commenting here?
Vattenfall is producing a full day internal seminar on PR for their Nordic staff who are directly enganged in media relations. I have been asked to spice the event with inspirations from the latest developments in social media. For the moment I am not sure what to cover, but think mikroblogging, novel forms of video services, mobility, and apps will have a given place. And of course the issues around the concept of ”social media release”. Other speakers and consultants will reinforce with practical details on cases, including social media monitoring.