2008-09-01: SSE: Social media insights
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, weconverse[Update the day after the gig]: Yo! My apologies for not posting my lecture slides (pdf) until now (got an unexpectedly busy afternoon yesterday. Anyway, thanks to all of you students for being so interested and conversant, even though I tended to mute you. Here are the links to the video stream from the first part of the lecture, the video stream starring students, and the photo stream. Well, the latter is kind of thin, will be closed for input within the next few days. As you can se in the comments below, the conversation goes on.
In May 2007 I did my first guest lecture at a course in Media psychology and Media development at Stockholm School of Economics (SSE). The course is led by Professor Richard Wahlund, and you can check my documentation for that gig (in Swedish). Unfortunately the SSE Web site sucks (e.g. here is the result of Wahlunds ”Teaching” link: http://www.hhs.se/404b). Hence, I do not know much about other stuff in the course and I am sort of hanging loose. I do not even know where I am supposed to show up. Furthermore I have to bring my own loudspeakres. But Wahlund is a great professor and the students so far has been wonderful. So, I am sure the lecture will be rewarding. At least our experiences from the previous ones support such an outcome.