2007-09-27: Worldwide Partners, Social media and Web 2.0
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, Privat, weconverseBlomquist Annonsbyrå is a member of the independent network Worldwide Partners, inc. I have been invited to share thoughts with them when they meet in Stockholm. Will most likely be a really interesting event.
[Update 2007-09-28] Regarding my question about you and changed business models, I just found an interesting piece featuring Bob Garfield where the big point is that ”ad agencies have to change how they are compensated”.
[Update 2007-09-27]: Sitting outside in the cafeteria at Summit and have uploaded my slides (pdf). Due to the change in schedule I never had time for the buzzword Twitter that I announced. Sorry, about that. But you may check it out yourself at www.twitter.com, or at Wikipedia, or elsewhere in the social media spaces. Thank you for a truly valuable conversation and enjoy the rest of your stay in Sweden! Waiting eagerly for Rogers version of Melody’s video. as an inspiration take a look at xapplmatic’s.
[Update 2007-09-06]: I replaced ”Blomquist” in the posts’s title to ”Worldwide Partners” because the latter constitute the audience. I am also impressed by the fact that Worldwide Partners sends a web survey to the attendees because it ”gives our speakers have a better feel for what the main issues are to address”. I wish more meeting producers did that. Regarding subject I asked (unless they tell me to publish the answers, the responses will be my little secret):
- How many of the following Web 2.0 tools (loosely defined) have you PERSONALLY used interactively in your private/business life. Blog publishing, photo sharing, video sharing, RSS feeds, wiki, social network, discussion forum, podcasting, presence application, widget/gadget, social bookmarking, 3D world.
- Regarding your personal profile in Facebook. Please indicate if you have one or not, and the reason why.
- How is your agency’s business model affected by Web 2.0 and the social media developments?