2008-09-24: Redd Barna: Fundraising and social media
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, Privat, weconverse[Update after the gig]: A jam packed day, with lots of ideas, conversations and inputs. One of the most fun parts, I think, was when we kickstarted the Cover-it-live session. Anyway, here are my presentationa slides (pdf, 12 Mb), a link to the mobile live stream recording at Bambuser, and our photostream at Flickr. I sincerely hope you will start a wiki, and it is up to you how much you will share (I will share a sub set of what I found in a later blog post). Furthermore, some embed code for donations – pleeeze. Meanwhile, here is my guiding point for blogging, wikiing, and more.
One of the results of my gig at FRII before this summer is that I have been invited to Redd Barna in Norway (part of the international Save the Children alliance). Joining us are also fund raising managers from Sweden (Rädda Barnen) and Denmark(Red Barnet). The meeting will take the form of a seminar (where a provide an overview of the social media developments) and a workshop (where we all discuss cases and possibilities). If you have any suggestions for insightsful cases we would all appreciate to know about them.