2010-03-25: IAB Finland: Bigger than brands?
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, Publikt, weconverse[Update after the gig] Whow, thanks – a wonderful afternoon! Who says that Finns are reserved and quiet? You are a great crowd (who perhaps could tweet with the hash tag #GrandOne a little bit more ;). Anyway, my slides are uploaded as a pdf (6,3 Mb) and published for your browsing at Slideshare. A link to Robin Teigland’s slides on Leveraging social networks… and one to Daniel Pink’s book Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us. If you want to join my efforts in creating a better start in life for our younger ones, please check out RichardGatarski.com. Now, soon time for the Grand One Gala and Awards!
IAB Finland, a member of IAB Europe, ”exists to support and promote the growth of the digital and interactive marketing industry”. This day is devoted to the IBA Grand One Seminar, (in English:) Digital marketing Decade – The courage to confront the impact of consumer.
The speakers include Jukka-Pekka Vuori (chairman of the board IAB Finland), Joris van Heukelom (director Digital Publishing, Sanoma Digital), Jyri Engeström, (entreprenur, co-founder of Jaiku), Ari Ojansivu, and Saila-Mari Kohtala (M&M). Consfused about my references to the presenters? Well, I am the only one who has a link to my web presence in IAB’s presentation of the speakers. So I googled around and linked to what I found. Furthermore, I wonder – is there any official hash tag?
Anyway, what then might be my contribution among this distinguished list of speakers be? Well, I thought of pointing to some of the major issues and trends for the interactive and participatory future, like:
Is this Bigger than Brands? Consumerism and brand management were formed in a mass media context. Online, real time, and social media are profoundly different. Is better brand management the answer?
Sounded good when I proposed that a while ago. Guess it’s time to prepare something clever ;) Any help appreciated…