Two days ago I visited an interesting breakfast seminar (see post in Swedish). It was an event prganized by Springtime, where Emanuel Rosen stopped by on his book tour The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited.
Unboxing, by The Register described as ”The new geek porn”, is the thing where people document their first encounter with cool new stuff recieved (in a box). Typically the whole experience from opening up the package to trying out the gadget/object in real life is documented on video and published live, or uploaded soon afterwards.
Unboxing content works as customer generated marketing. It informs as well as entertains. In some sense, it is/generate buzz. Speaking about the latter. For me it was natural to share with you a video where I unboxed a little, higly relevant, item a few minutes ago. Enjoy below above, on Vimeo, or on YouTube.
If you want to see other unboxings, just search for ”[product] unboxing” (replace [product] with something you are interested in). As an example, I searched for ”unboxing hero android” and found Hero in the house!