Author and speaker Fredrik Härén defines creativity semething like ”the combination of two old ideas into something new”. So here are two olds creatively combined into something new (I believe).

Take the idea of crowdsourcing a job application (as invented by Barry Judge, CMO at Best Buy, contextualized by Neville Hobson) and combine that idea with the need to put a CV together (as exemplified by Susanne Lindahl, one of the best students in my giicod experiment at Stockholm University).

The Curriculum Vitae (CV), or Résumé, is the old idea of summarizing ones relevant job experiences and education.The new idea, as just struck me, is to crowdsource your CV. That is, letting your social network co-create your CV.

If I google ”curriculum vitae” the first hits are guides and services about how to create and use a CV. ”You can write your general information”, taken from One of the free guides, clearly reflects the established idea. That is, the applicant should write her own CV.

Who knows best how it is to work with you? Who knows best how much you have learned in formal educational settings? OK, those are kind of philosophical questions. But really, should not a CV reflect how it is to work with you. Not how you think you are.

As Neville Hobson pointed out, one of the unusual items in Best Buy’s original job ad was the preferred qualification ”250 followers on Twitter”. That highlights the value of your network’s interest in you. And almost two years ago Bryan Person, at that time with, ignited conversations with his post ”Die, resume! Die! Die! Die!”. He also gave credit to Christopher S. Penn for coining the term ”social media resume”. Around the same time, still close to two years ago, Mitch Joel wrote ”Marketing yourself in a connected world – is it time to kill the traditional resume?”.

So, for many of us we have for many years understood the value of a social media perspective in the CV, or Résumé. But now I think it is time to take one step further and open up its production to peers, friends, teachers, relatives, past and present coworkers, etc. It is perhaps a very controversial idea. Especially when we consider openness and privacy issues. Still, I think it isan idea worth persuing.

Personally I’m in no desparate need of a CV right now. Which honestly will give low priority to crowdsource my own social media resume. But I bear the possibility in mind.

Meanwhile, if you (for example Susanne) would like to start one, just let me know (if I know you) and I’ll add my piece to its formation. Perhaps Dan Schwabel’s ”HOT TO: Build the ultimate social media resume” is a good starting point. Just add ”wiki” and go ahead!