Did Wordwide Partners get it?
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Okategoriserade, weconverseAlmost a year ago I did a gig for Worldwide Partners. According to the comments from the partners who attended (including those posted at weconverse), they kind of appreciated my thoughts. From my side I felt that the session went pretty well. Recently, during my summer vacation (June 11th), I got an e-mail with "Worldwide Partner news" (sorry, they offer no web version). To begin with the message was headed by a large image, wich made it difficult to read on my mobile phone. Right below the image was the header "WPI Launches New Public Website" (without any link) and below it another image. In the image I could read (but not my desktop search engine) "It’s a Wiki world. It’s a flat world." I thought that was cool and went on today to check out their new web site.
To begin with the home page is based on a slowly loading Flash implementation. As you can see there is no way to search the site. Therefore it was hard for me to quickly figure out if they had a Wiki, offered RSS feeds or utilized any other tools for social media. On the other hand, when I surf to the site on my phone it displays the basic content pretty well.
I do not have time to evaluate their new site, but it seems to me that none of the ideas, trends, or possibilities that I presented has guided their efforts so far. After all, they describe themselfes as:
"the world’s largest owner-operated agency network made up of 96 agencies employing 4,700 people in 143 offices located in 53 countries across Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North America"
Wordwide partners could at least have implemented Google maps to allow visitors to browse their network. Or started a blog to supplement their Media room. As far as I can judge the whole thing is very Web 1.0. What did I do wrong???