2007-10-24: EDEN: re-thinking Learning (again)
Postad av richardgatarski i english, Gig, Publikt, weconverse[Update 2007-10-29] My whole presentation is now available as a live recorded video.
[Update ater the gig] I have uploaded my presentation slides (pdf) and made room for a link to the opening plenary session’s webb TV (not published by EDEN yet). Some of you might be interested in my 2003 conference paper Marketing and Public Education – multimutual benefits. If you understand Swedish, check out my blog (since 2004) Skolmarknad.info, and the associated podcast Skolsmart.
EDEN is an acronym for the European Distance and E-learning Network. One of their strands is the Open Classroom Initiative, which ”focus on distance education and new technologies in school level education and training”. Earlier this year I did a gig for CFL (in Swedish), one of the organizers of the Sixth Open Classroom Conference: Real Learning in Virtual Worlds. As a result I have been invited as one of the key note speakers during the opening plenary session. I am of course very honored, but also somewhat concerned. What should I say?
On the one hand, judging from a quick glance at the keynote slides from the Fifth conference and the overall idea of the network, our new Web 2.0 tools should come as no suprise to the attendees. On the other hand, somewhat generalising from fields other than education, I am not so sure about that. Are these guys really eating their own medicine? A search for ”Facebook”, ”Myspace”, and ”Youtube” on the EDEN Web site yields zero returns. ”Podcasting” and ”RSS” gave only a handful of hits. The EDEN President’s blog has one post, dated august 29, with a reader comment and the president’s response. Therefore, I think I will at least deliver a couple of cool demos of the latest stuff.
But I am betting that most of the people there are pretty well updated. So, I will probably take the opportunity to ventilate some of my far off ideas and visions that relates to EDEN’s mission. These thoughts concern to the brand images of ”Learning” and ”School”, who should ”Learn”, the end points that defines ”distance”, and why we think we have to ”learn”. Hence I entitled the gig ”re-thinking Learning”.
As I publish this post the conference is 35days away and I will have 30 minutes to play with when the moment arrives. Any comments, ideas, suggestions?
p.s. This web site is mainly in Swedish, but please feel free to browse the english category and check out what is behind the english menu items. d.s.