As most of contemporary web sites, weconverse is in a steady beta. I have finally found Mandigo, a design template that I like both in terms of aestethics and functionality. I really appreciated WP-Andreas09 (originally designed by the prominent swede Andreas Viklund) which I used first. But I have used that template for customers and wanted a more soft feel to the site. Given that I seldomly visit other blogs, just read their feeds, the looks of weconverse might be important only for me.
It will probably take a couple of weeks before I have had time to sort out some problems. These are currently mainly related to the RSS-feeds. I thank all of you that already subscribe and apologize for the mess you probably see. To my knowledge the worst issue is that Swedish characters disappear in the feeds. I still have to do some experimentation and I ask you to bear with me until I get that fixed. Furthermore, the presentation of the feeds on the site needs to be sorted out, including the hidden URI:s. Eventually the feeds addresses will probably have to change in order for me to manage useful statistics. I will let you know if you need to change something.
As you may have noticed I have also added some functions to weconverse. I know offer videos, both from sources on the weconverse server and from a growing body of third party video sharing services. The weconverse pod podcast is up and running. It will soon be registered in iTunes too. For fun I threw in a mobile version of weconverse with the help from Feed2Mobile by Kaywa. Mainly because their service supports QR-codes. I guess many of you do not know what that is, simply because we are so behind Japan. Check out the Wikipedia entry for QR code and listen (in Swedish) to episode 5 of QritiQ if you want to know more (which you should).
There are a couple of other ideas I would like to realize here. Future will tell if that happens. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Meanwhile I wish everyone that celebrates the Easter holiday a happy one.