This morning I learned from a tweet via @bjornfalkevik that Moto Boy would perform in Stockholm City in less than two hours. Since Moto Boy (Oskar Humlebo) is one of my favorite artists I changed my plans for the day, and decided to join the gig. Judging from what I later saw I got the impression that the event was both a tribute to Peter Gabriel (who passed by on his way to pick up the Polar Music Prize) and some SMR (social media relations) acts for Moto Boy himself – a stunt that I gladly support.

With no time to prep for a better streaming setup I just went off with my HTC Magic, the Bambuser app för Android and good faith. Not sure that I had auto-tweet on at my account I asked @bjornjeffery to tweet that I streamed, and appearantly the characters where spread.

After I hit the ”broadcast” button on my mobile I realized that most likely the sound was picked up by my Bluetooth headset. As you can se a couple of minutes into the first archived live stream (see below) I therefore put my headset close to Moto Boy’s PA-speaker. But a few minutes later someone chatted that he could not hear any sound. So I stopped the broadcast, turned off Bluetooth, and broadcasted again.

There seems to be a general issue with sound from the live player at Quite frequently people, including myself, who watch my stuff complain about lost sound. The simple fix is to reload the page in your browser. Unfortunately I could not chat that during the cast. As far as I know I can only see the chat in my mobile while streaming – not participate. In any case, this was great fun and gave us some valuable insights, besides a great performance.

All archived streams are available at as the first, second and third video (Earlier this year I did a Qik one at Media Evolution in Malmö). Oskar Humblebo’s handshake with Peter Gabriel is about one minute into the third video, embedded here. And tonite at 16.30 TV4 will broadcast the prize ceremony, where Moto Boy and others will perform. Enjoy!