Archive for the “Private” Category

[Update after the gig] Well, that turned out to be quite an inspiring afternoon. Thanks for all the questions, comments and reflections! While you worked over the weekend, I took it off. But now my slides are available for download as pdf (6 slides/page, 6.4 Mb), and browsing at Slideshare. Remember, my ambition was to plant ideas – not to have everyone of us understand everything. But in case you need some food for thought around Twitter and Leadershio, I quckly found 10 tips for using Twitter to manage employees; Leadership Gurus to follow (on Twitter) in 2010; and 50 ideas on using Twitter for business.

The Stockholm School of Economics IFL Executive Education is an international player and a global supplier of development programs with representation in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia and the Baltic states. Their FEM Executive Management Program is for executives from carefully selected multinational companies.

This evening I have been asked to introduce and discuss “ways of communication”, a request that I changed into “waves of conversations”. Anyway, I will prepare som stuff and open up for a conversation with the executives from Scania, SSAB, Ericsson, Sandvik, Atlas Copco, SAAB and SEB. IT will be interesting to see how it starts, as I am going to focus on gaming and social networks. Slides and links will as usual be available here.

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